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Presentation Slides

It is possible to reformat almost any MTX file into a "slide show" suitable for projection in a lecture hall or classroom. This page is the index for just such a presentation. Click on the first slide to find out more...
  1. Introduction
  2. The Layout Tag
  3. Headings
  4. Navigation
  5. Slide Index
  6. Automatic Advance
  7. Using Images
  8. More on Images
  9. File Names
  10. Netscape Extensions
  11. Limitation

Notes on the use of these slides: To start, click on any slide in the list above. To go to the next slide, click on the slide's title. To go to the previous slide, click on the left end of the slide's title. To return to this index page, click on the right end of the slide's title. Adjust the font size of your browser as needed.
Edited on February 21, 1996 / Updated on March 5, 1996
MTX 1.3 User's Manual / Copyright 1996 by the University of Florida
Location: http://www.med.ufl.edu/medinfo/mtx/docs/slides.html
Contact: Richard Rathe / rrathe@ufl.edu

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